Expressive and with a variety of personalities.

Belugas, with their entirely white bodies, initially appear to have only size as a noticeable difference. However...

"There are few animals where differences in individual personalities are as evident as in belugas. For instance, Nak (male), known for the distinctive wrinkles on his face, has a somewhat temperamental yet earnest personality. He excels in training and performances. Belugas have flexible and highly mobile mouths, resulting in expressive facial features. While this might be subjective from the trainer's perspective, it sometimes seems that their expressions are linked to their emotions."

Such words are spoken by Ms. Misaki Suzuki, a seasoned trainer who has been handling belugas for seven years. While caring for the seven belugas, she also provides explanations about the animals to visitors.

"I introduce what kind of life belugas, living in the Arctic Ocean, lead and how dolphins use sound in an underwater environment. During performances, I consciously aim to convey, in an enjoyable and understandable manner with the help of visuals, the innate abilities of these animals."

Ms. Suzuki explains clearly in front of the audience about the belugas' high-pitched vocalizations, which humans cannot perceive.