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Kamogawa Sea World's Idol : The Ecology of the Beluga

A beluga, characterized by its pure white color and prominent forehead, was born at Kamogawa Sea World in Kamogawa, Chiba Prefecture, in 2021 with two calves and in 2023 with one calf.

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Local values shaping the global future GRANVISTA Local values shaping the global future GRANVISTA


  1. # ISSUE 22

    Kamogawa Sea World's Idol : The Ecology of the Beluga


  2. # ISSUE 21

    Training at a restaurant in the 16th arrondissement of Paris. Infusing even more refined sensibility into the cuisine.


  3. # ISSUE 20

    A rich journey where you can feel tradition and history Kanazawa where you want to visit in winter


  4. # ISSUE 19

    Stop by on my autumn leaves drive to Tochigi "A detour" with full of local charms
