Aiming to become a travel destination.
Continuing to evolve as a facility to offer information.

Our ideas for conveying the charm of Sano City are not limited to products. At the food court, we offer dishes that express the “Sano-ness” such as “Sano Ramen Neapolitan”, which is a Neapolitan take on the chewy texture of “Sano Ramen”, and “Vongole Ear Udon”, which is a busta version of the local dish “Ear Udon”. Introducing menus with new ideas one after another. It is gaining popularity, especially among women and children.

Walking around the shopping corner after eating, mark that jumps out at you is a circle with a "Sa" in it. You might think it's "Sa" for Sano City, but it's actually not.

The surname "Sato" is the most common in Japan, with approximately 2 million people nationwide. We support the “Sato no Kai”, which was founded based on the theory that its roots may be in Sano City. An original goods section will be set up to promote the history of Sano City and famous places connected to it through Fujiwara Hidesato, who is said to be the ancestor of the Sato family name.

“Our goal is to create a store where not only our customers but also our staff can share their excitement. We would like to continue holding events that value the sense of the seasons,'' Mr. Iida says passionately.

“I want to develop this place as a facility offers information” that promotes Sano City. That also leads to the reason for placing “things that can only be found here”. ''Every time I come, I discover something new, so I can come back again and again”. I want this place to become a where people want to visit and then can become a destination for their travels,'' Mr. Madarame said, with passion in his voice.

This fall, while viewing the autumn leaves, why not enjoy the local charm that can only be enjoyed at Sano Highway Restaurant?