Panda bamboo ring workshop in collaboration with Adventure World

Since its opening in 1929, the Shiraraso Grand Hotel has welcomed many guests, including members of the imperial family and celebrities. As part of its hospitality, the hotel has been implementing initiatives to make its guests aware of the attractions of Shirahama. One such initiative is the panda bamboo ring workshop held jointly by Shirahama's well-known Adventure World and the Shiraraso Grand Hotel.

Among the wide variety of animals living in Adventure World, giant pandas are immensely popular. As of December 2022, the facility is home to seven pandas. Pandas are fed 40 to 100kg of bamboo, their staple food, per day, of which they eat only about 20kg. Uneaten bamboo, such as that with hard bark or that which is not to their liking, is discarded.

Adventure World has launched the "Panda Bamboo Project" to make effective use of uneaten bamboo as one of its SDGs initiatives. We hope that the pandas will help raise awareness of environmental issues and the SDGs," said Mai Hasegawa, a member of Adventure World's public relations staff.

The panda bamboo ring workshop was planned as part of this initiative, and the event was also held at the Shiraraso Grand Hotel, where visitors could enjoy learning about panda ecology and bamboo environmental issues.